Las Vegas, NV – I’m here in Vegas for the Magic Show!  This is not a “Magic’ show for entertainment purposes where a magician is going to perform sleight of hand tricks, but rather a trade show for the fashion industry.  Magic is an  acronym for “Men’s Apparel Guild In California.”  Yes there is a story behind that, but that’s a trade show story, to be told at another time, on another blog.  This blog is about me – TommyMo – and my life.  

Trade shows are how I make my living,  I am working in the fashion Industry this week, next week I’ll be working in the Pharmaceutical Industry,  A few weeks later and I’ll be on the Vision Show, an event for ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians.  You get the idea.  If your interested in trade shows, or you would like more information, google Trade Shows or go to my business web site –  Yes, that is my company, Thomas Event Services.  But this is not a blog about that.

I’m here to talk about TommyMo, the adventurer, the seeker, the misfit rogue.  The man with the gypsy heart, and the gypsy soul.  A love of life is what sustains me – that and an eternal optimism that gets tested from time to time.  All I ever wanted was to travel the world and have grand adventures – that was my life’s goal – and it remains my life’s goal to this day.  Than Life woke me up and slapped me.  Life had it’s own ideas about what I should be doing – and life and I  have battled since.  Sometimes I win.  More often life wins.  Lately we have compromised.  Life throws me a curve, and I make that my adventure.

The truth is that no matter what life throws at you, life is a grand adventure.  That, my friends,  is the theme of this blog.  Embrace the adventure that is your life!   Now like many preacher’s I sometimes don’t follow my own advice.  I get caught up in the day to day problems, concerns and catastrophes and I think my life is spiraling out of control.  Things are not turning out how I wanted them to.  My plans have gone awry!  Well my loyal reader – it turns out therein lies the adventure!

Now if you’re feeling blue or depressed or downtrodden, this is what you do!  Google the time of the next sunrise or the next sunset.  Make a plan to be there!   I want you to look at the next sunrise or the next sunset and I want you to be there, really be there.  Don’t  think of the past or what’s to come in the future.  Don’t make any plans, don’t remember any history.   I want you to not just watch the sunrise or the sunset but to feel the sunrise or sunset.  I am even going to get a little new age strange and tell you to be the sunrise.  Use all the senses you have available to you!  My friends, if you don’t feel awe and Majesty and magic, then we have some work to do.  But despair not, because I will get you there.

Now I want you to think about what that sunrise means, my fellow travelers and adventurers!  We are all hurtling through space together on an outsize rock, at, what I am told, is 180,000 miles per hour. Seven billion souls on a trip that most of us take for granted.  You could have been left behind or you can have gotten off at the last stop, like so many of our friends and loved ones.  But no, here you are hurtling through space in the middle of an immense Universe full of wonder!  If that is not magic my friends, then I don’t know what is.

Prepare to join me as we embark on the adventure of our lifetime.  There is much to see and much to learn.  It turns out my dreams have been fulfilled after all  – I am on a grand adventure and I am inviting seven billion people along for the ride..


Magic Show Sunrise